Thursday, September 20, 2018

Zone Conference August 2018

We learned a lot from our meeting with Pres. and Sister Tew.  One thing we should all keep in mind is that in whatever we are doing--in our hobbies, church service, career, family or whatever setting--we need to take advantage of ALL the tools in our toolbox.  Don't be satisfied to just use the same tool we have become accustomed to using.  It is like playing chopsticks on the piano, when there are so many other keys that will bring beautiful music.  Break out of our comfort zones and grow in our experiences.

These first photos were snapped outside the hotel where the Tews were staying.  Everyday is a postcard in Norway.

Sister Tew introduces the Spiralizer in hopes to
encourage missionaries to eat more vegetables.  Elder Rumsey
looks interested--he likes to eat (but he works out a lot too)

North Zone Conference 16 August 2018.
The first North Zone Conference for Pres. and Sister Tew,
and the last for Elder and Sister Miller who served their mission in Tromsø

The tradition of singing the Mission Song together to end a conference.

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