Thursday, September 20, 2018

We have been to HELL and back.

There is a small town near the airport here in Trondheim called "Hell."  The word "hell" in Norwegian means "to pour".  The name Hell stems from the Old Norse word hellir, which means “overhang” or “cliff cave”. It has a more used homonym in modern Norwegian that means “luck”. The Old Norse word Hel is the same as today's English Hell, and as a proper noun, Hel was the ruler of Hel. In modern Norwegian the word for hell is helvete – Wikipedia  Read more about Hell here.

Notice that there is even a phone booth to make that last desperate call home.

However, we like to visit with the arriving and departing missionaries to get their passports stamped (as we have done) in the local post office; making it official that we have been to Hell.

Elders Rogers, Naylor, Cribbs, Welch

Sister Wheelwright's companion that day was Sister Naylor

Elder Stephenson (from Meridian) and Elder Cribbs

Elders Brooks and Baldwin

We have known Elder Baldwin when he was
in Kristiansund before he arrived here in Trondheim

And another challenge at the Hell Train Station is to defy gravity!

Elder Cribbs

Elder Brooks

Elder Welch

Elder Baldwin

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