Sunday, September 23, 2018

RETURN TO FRØYA . . . but with new travel buddies

For preparation day on 4 September, we returned to the island of Frøya to see where Elder Widtsoe was born, but this time we had Elder Ian Rogers and Elder Kellen Cribbs as our companions.  We stopped in several small towns to seek out members of the Church and contact others.  We had wonderful discussions in the car as we traveled and shared meaningful experiences with each other.  Elder Rogers finished his mission the next week, and so this was a time of reflection.

We returned and met up with Sverre Georg, the grandson of the owner of the house where Elder Widtsoe's mother lived.  He was happy to be our guide and showed more of the island, including German bunkers that were built as the outpost to warn of enemy ships and planes that might be coming in to Trondheim.  The Germans occupied Norway in WWII and used Trondheim to build submarines because of the warm-water ports.  Sverre Georg was interested in what we do and we were able to tell him about the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, and answer his questions.  He was happy to receive a copy and wanted to read it.  If we return, we will follow up.

Traveling Buddies: Elder Ian Rogers and Elder Kellen Cribbs

German Fort and bunkers

With our "guide" in the bowels of the bunkers dug out by hand
by Russian soldiers captured at the Russian Front

The rugged rocky coastline

What is left of German barracks 

Low tide made for excellent tiny crab hunting
And snail finding

Elder Widtsoe's Statue

The sun sets on a memorable day.

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