Thursday, September 20, 2018

It has been awhile . . .

Yes, it has been awhile since we updated our blog.  Sorry.  We truly have been busy and just doing the work.  We love our mission and have now been out 5 months.  Hard to believe how time is going by so quickly.  We enjoy meeting new people all the time as we travel around Norway or just spend time here in Trondheim.

Transfers always bring change and we are sad when missionaries move away who we have come to know and love, because we might not see them again in the mission field.  But all the missionaries we serve with in Trondheim have been so great and supportive.  So, we enjoy getting to know others.

Sister Madsen moved to Haugesund

Elders Cribbs, Welch, Rogers and Brooks.  The new district.

Sister Kinder (left) arrived in Norway after Visa waiting six weeks in California

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