Thursday, September 20, 2018

Frøya the island birthplace of the Apostle John Widtsoe

This was taken from the fort in Trondheim.
We had the opportunity to spend a couple of days with Elder and Sister Bergquist, who are serving in Oslo, and used to live in Boise.  Sister Bergquist's cousin was the sculpture for the statue commissioned to be placed on Frøya where an early Church apostle was born.  The statue was erected just last year, so she wanted to see it while they were in Norway.  Elder Widtsoe was a scientist and president of the University of Utah and Utah State before being called to the Quorum of  the Twelve Apostles.

The island didn't have deer until recently when trees began growing there with all the modern traffic bringing the change.  We found it rugged and beautiful where fishermen still worked the waters that are the actual ocean (as opposed to fjords where most towns are, like Trondheim).

This is the house that Elder Widtsoe's mother was raised in.
This is the grandson of the current owner, and he gave us a tour of the island.

On the way back, we traveled over the other side of
island and ran into these wandering goats.

Lorrie had interviewed one for the record.

Then they wandered over to this bridge, and lo and behold . . .

. . . Soon you had the three billy goats gruff; we were just waiting to see the troll under the bridge pop up!

Again, she found blue berries this time and we had to pick a few.
The biting gnats at were too much for Kirt.

The open ocean and the rugged island.

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