Sunday, September 23, 2018

Farewell and Welcome to More Fine Missionaries!

Transfers happen every six weeks, and our city is usually affected in some way.  This transfer, we saw our dear friend, Elder Ian Rogers return home to Pleasant Grove, Utah.  He has brought with him so many talents and much energy, and we wish him continued success in his next adventures.

Elder Welch moved to Drammen, and Elder Baldwin, who we have met in Kristiansund came here.  Also, arriving in Trondheim is Elder JD Stephenson, one of the other missionaries from the Treasure Valley.  Enjoy some memories.


Before moving on Wednesday, everyone met on Tuesday for pizza buffet lunch at Egon Restaurant, atop the turning tower near our home.  Interestingly, at the table next to us were some engineers having a business lunch with 4 engineers from Utah, who quickly recognized our name tags and talked with us.

Left clockwise: Sister Kinder, Elders Welch, Rogers, Naylor, Cribbs, Sister Naylor, Elder Brooks, Sister Wheelwright
(You can see the city and fjord in the background)

Me and Elder Cribbs selecting some of the finest.

From the tower, you can see the roof of our house.

The city, the fort/prison island and the fjord.

 Three ways to eat Norwegian Pizza

Lots of Garlic Ranch dressing on top (or dipped)

Lots at one time; missionary style.

With a fork and knife, without switching hands.
Lorrie has adopted the European method and even uses it here. 


Elders Rogers and Cribbs

Elders Welch and Brooks

Elders Stephenson and Cribbs

Elders Brooks and Baldwin

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