Wednesday, July 11, 2018


We were blessed to have as interim, President Karlsson and his companion.  They live in Oslo and served as president of the Stockholm Mission ten years ago.  Our new mission president ended up delayed because of his visa for one week.  We had a zone conference where we made lunch for the zone with the Millers who live in Tromsø.  Lorrie's fruit tart sugar cookies were a hit with the missionaries.

President Karlsson and Elder Cribbs

The following week, after district meeting, the elders introduced us to the Norwegian street food Kebab!  Spicy meat with a great sauce, lettuce and all wrapped up into giant tortillas.  Lorrie and I opted to share the platter with the creamy spicy sauce and fries.  It was everything these elders promised it would be- delicious, messy and spicy.  GREAT FOOD!

Elder Rogers

Elders Welch and Cribbs

Elder Snapp

On the way to lunch, we did some street contacting.

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