Friday, July 13, 2018

Sister Naylor Speaks Norwegian

I wanted to share with you an audio file of Sister Naylor giving a talk in Norwegian in the Trondheim Ward, but it was too difficult to figure out all the technicalities.  Suffice it to say, you would have been impressed.  The Norwegian members were impressed and excited that she went to such lengths to learn the language and how to speak.  She would say that she just read her talk.  But remember, even the speakers at General Conference "read their talks."  

And I would add . . . she told a little joke.  When quoting Elder Robbins on repentance, he made the point that when learning a foreign language, you may make thousands if not millions of errors.  She then paused, looked up and said (in Norwegian), "And I should know something about that!"

Her commitment to learn the language is inspiring.  She is conversing with Norwegians, and remember that she didn't get 6 weeks in the MTC to learn the language.  She has only been in the country 3 months.  

This was an emotional moment when she started her service by receiving her name tag.
She now continues to serve with dedication and love in Norway.

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