Wednesday, July 11, 2018

ÅLESUND and helping the missionaries

We traveled to Kristiansund and Ålesund to help the missionaries with their apartments, and spend time with these wonderful servants of the Lord.  Along the way, we enjoyed the beauty of Norway.

Ålesund is a quaint town that burned down at the first of last century and was built back from 1903-1907.
  All the buildings downtown are in the same architecture type.  This is from a viewpoint up on a
mountain you can reach by climbing 418 stairs.  See the photo below.

 Great Missionaries in Ålesund.  Elders Welch and Brooks and Sisters Harston and Pond.
An old bakery store is used as the Church Building for this humble branch.


That white building is the viewpoint,
and the zig-zag to the right are the stairs to the top

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