Sunday, July 22, 2018

Missionaries of all types and talents and stages in life.

We have the great blessing to be with and learn from so many wonderful missionaries.

Elder Welch Parquer talent

Elders Rogers, Welch and Cribbs watching over the "one-time" hot dog grills. 
Great idea.  Use it, then throw it away.

The "Pink Pack" Elders Welch, Cribbs, Rogers and Sister Madsen. 
Everyone else didn't apparently get the memo.

Elder Rogers enjoys selfie time with the Naylors.

Elder Cribbs joins in.

Sisters Wheelwright and Madsen street contacting . . . everywhere they go!

"Former" Elder Stockton Hansen, who welcomed us to the country as our first Zone :Leader has gone home 
and returned with his family to visit.  It was great to meet them, and see this wonderful example of 
someone who loves everyone and can talk to anyone on the street.

We had the privilege of meeting our new mission president and his wife, President and Sister Tew from Nevada.  They are wonderful loving leaders and we look forward to working with them.

The Trondheim District with President and Sister Tew and the Assistants to the President.
L-R Top Elders Welch, Sharp, Briggs and Rumsey
Middle Elder Rogers, Sisters Madsen, Wheelwright, Tew and President Tew
Front Elder Naylor, Sister Naylor and Elder Cribbs

President Tew was happy to squeeze in to the back seat for the ride to the airport and spent a tight-fitting time with his assistants in a typically small hybrid car.

The Naylors on NRK

We were in town by the Nidaros Catherdal and some guys were interviewing people around us and they came over to us.  The blonde is the MC of the Norwegian National TV channel's "Top 20" music show, and they were doing a concert in Trondheim with multiple acts.  He was doing a comedy video  interviewing English speakers, asking them to read the text of a Norwegian folk song translated in English.  It is basically about a guy who tries to find a girl, but he always loses out.  When he was talking to me, I said you have find the right girl and keep her, "because families are forever."  That part was cut out, but this is what was broadcast nationally.  Lorrie's look when he asked if he was a "10" is priceless for those of us who know her to give that quizzical look.  Right after his outburst, she asked a follow up question if he cooks, and he said "yes" and she said, "Then you are a 10."  

After the filming, we discussed what we do here.  He said he had seen the musical "The Book of Mormon" and told me he loved it and I should see it.  I told him if he liked the the musical, he would love the book.  He said he got a copy of the Book of Mormon after the play, when the missionaries were passing them out. I invited him to read the book.  I said that I don't need to watch the play, because I'm living it.  I gave him my card and email and invited him to contact me if he had any questions.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Sister Naylor Speaks Norwegian

I wanted to share with you an audio file of Sister Naylor giving a talk in Norwegian in the Trondheim Ward, but it was too difficult to figure out all the technicalities.  Suffice it to say, you would have been impressed.  The Norwegian members were impressed and excited that she went to such lengths to learn the language and how to speak.  She would say that she just read her talk.  But remember, even the speakers at General Conference "read their talks."  

And I would add . . . she told a little joke.  When quoting Elder Robbins on repentance, he made the point that when learning a foreign language, you may make thousands if not millions of errors.  She then paused, looked up and said (in Norwegian), "And I should know something about that!"

Her commitment to learn the language is inspiring.  She is conversing with Norwegians, and remember that she didn't get 6 weeks in the MTC to learn the language.  She has only been in the country 3 months.  

This was an emotional moment when she started her service by receiving her name tag.
She now continues to serve with dedication and love in Norway.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


We were blessed to have as interim, President Karlsson and his companion.  They live in Oslo and served as president of the Stockholm Mission ten years ago.  Our new mission president ended up delayed because of his visa for one week.  We had a zone conference where we made lunch for the zone with the Millers who live in Tromsø.  Lorrie's fruit tart sugar cookies were a hit with the missionaries.

President Karlsson and Elder Cribbs

The following week, after district meeting, the elders introduced us to the Norwegian street food Kebab!  Spicy meat with a great sauce, lettuce and all wrapped up into giant tortillas.  Lorrie and I opted to share the platter with the creamy spicy sauce and fries.  It was everything these elders promised it would be- delicious, messy and spicy.  GREAT FOOD!

Elder Rogers

Elders Welch and Cribbs

Elder Snapp

On the way to lunch, we did some street contacting.

TROLLSTIGEN Road and Waterfalls

After Geiranger, we drove up a winding road over the mountain and came to Trollstigen, which is a famous place to hike (37 km that we didn't have the time to do).  There is also a lookout, and the road down is another winding crazy beautiful way to travel to sea level in minutes.  Along the road are waterfalls and a neat arch bridge.


Geiranger Fjord is one of the most photographed and visited fjords in Norway. On the return trip from Ålesund, we took the ferry to shorten our trip.  It was spectacular and it was blue skies and sun.  We then drove up to a lookout point that was 1500 meters above sea level.  It was only a few kilometers, but the winding road got us there in just 30 minutes.

This is the winding road we took to get to the lookout.

Down there where those cruise ships are is where our ferry landed!

We walked out to the edge, but luckily there is a glass fence.

Coming down from the viewpoint, we found these twin lakes of fresh cold, very cold water.

We drank the cold rushing runoff heading to the lake.


While in Ålesund, we ventured over to an island with this lighthouse and beach. 
To get there, like most communities of Ålesund, you travel through tunnels that are under the fjord! 
 It is pretty interesting to see all the work they have done, and drive where you know you are going under the water!