Friday, August 10, 2018

Home again in Trondheim . . . but changes are always happening.

This  rests in the middle of the "Gå Gate" or the walking street of Trondheim,
marking 1000 years the city has been in existence.

L-R Elders Rogers, Naylor, Sister Naylor, Elder Welch, Elder Snapp
Sister Wheelwright, Sister Madsen, Elder Cribbs
Out for lunch of Kebab . . . beef and chicken and vegetables seasoned and served in a pita.  Yumm!
Sister Madsen and Elder Snapp were moving the next day, so this was fun.

But it was still very hot in Trondheim and even hotter in this restaurant!

 Sister Madsen moved to Haugesund, leaving
Sister Wheelwright here to welcome Sister Kinder
from the USA.

Elder Brooks (on the far right) moved here and is Elder Welch's new companion.
Elder Brooks started his mission in Trondheim and he has 2 transfers left on his mission.

"Former" Elder Jared Ashby returned with his family and met up with us at the church.
He went home just a couple of months ago, and was a great missionary.

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