Friday, August 10, 2018

"Weather" there are berries to pick depends on where you are!

We didn't have to go far (just 20 minutes from our apartment) to find a lake that is surrounded by blueberry bushes.  Wild blueberries in Lorrie's muffins!!!!  YUMMMM.  But the weather cooperated that day.  The next time we went, when we got home the rain came and went.  Literally, we could watch a storm roll in and drop rain and clear up in the matter of minutes. As evidence, see the time-elapsed video I posted below.

Some Cloud Berries, too!

The Sun shines through . . . but only for a moment and then . . .

Home again in Trondheim . . . but changes are always happening.

This  rests in the middle of the "Gå Gate" or the walking street of Trondheim,
marking 1000 years the city has been in existence.

L-R Elders Rogers, Naylor, Sister Naylor, Elder Welch, Elder Snapp
Sister Wheelwright, Sister Madsen, Elder Cribbs
Out for lunch of Kebab . . . beef and chicken and vegetables seasoned and served in a pita.  Yumm!
Sister Madsen and Elder Snapp were moving the next day, so this was fun.

But it was still very hot in Trondheim and even hotter in this restaurant!

 Sister Madsen moved to Haugesund, leaving
Sister Wheelwright here to welcome Sister Kinder
from the USA.

Elder Brooks (on the far right) moved here and is Elder Welch's new companion.
Elder Brooks started his mission in Trondheim and he has 2 transfers left on his mission.

"Former" Elder Jared Ashby returned with his family and met up with us at the church.
He went home just a couple of months ago, and was a great missionary.

Farewell OSLO . . . It was an experience!

Every city in Norway has its own unique sewer cover . . .
and they are all artfully done.  This is Oslo.

Design is King in Norway. This is a lounge in the Oslo Airport designed from
the "Ball" glass Norwegian counterpart "Norge" glass jars. 
The wall and chandelier are all Norge glass jars. 
As you might guess, Lorrie has collected some antique examples of these jars.

On the way home after a wonderful week.
The Trondheim Fjord appears at sunset.

AFTER FestiNord . . . the Norwegian Palace in Oslo

Before we caught our plane back home, we were able to tour the Norwegian Palace.  It is a working palace, meaning the King and his family live and work there.  Only during June and July when everyone is on vacation do they open it up for tours.  We were fortunate.  While waiting for the tour to start, I talked up the Gospel with the security guard and gave him an information card with the website and how he can find out more.

Looking at the palace . . .

. . . and the view from the palace looking to downtown Oslo

The gardens and grounds in the back of the palace. 
Scorching weather had forced water conservation and so the lawn is brown.

FestiNord 2018 in Asker, Norway . . . Scandinavian Festival for Young Single Adults

We were asked to join the wonderful youth of the LDS Church ages 18-30 in Asker, Norway (near Oslo) for a week of spiritual uplift, physical activities and sports, service projects and food, food, and food.  These kids eat and play a lot. Brad Wilcox, Al Fox Carraway and Cecille Lungren provided uplifting classes.  There were dances and other activities, including a boat tour of the Oslo Fjord.  But our greatest joy came from meeting these faithful youth from all over the world.  This was the 52nd year for this festival, and it started as a way for members of the Church in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark to come together and meet up (some marriages have resulted).  It has expanded to the Baltic States, Europe, and we had some from as far away as Australia, South Africa and about 50 from USA. The weather was very hot for Norway (95 F), but the kids didn't complain. It was held on the campus of a middle school, and the youth did service by weeding and cleaning up the campus.  The caretaker for the sports arena asked one of the leaders what some particular youth had done to be "punished" to make them clean out the weeds?  With a smile the response was, "They chose to do that to make the campus look better."  Enjoy the photos of the great time, including the concluding Gala dinner and dance at the nearby hotel.

Brad Wilcox was very personal and friendly

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Teaching about the 12 Tribes 

Norwegian Golf Pro Cecilie Lundgreen shared how trials in her life
brought her professional success and to find and accept Christ and His Church

Al Fox Carroway had flight delays to get to Norway,
but even without  sleep in 24 hours taught a thoughtful lesson

Captain Ole took some on a cruise on the Oslo Fjord! 

She just got baptized and came all the way from Tromsø!

After the testimony meeting!

The testimony meeting .. .
The Gentlemen gave the Ladies a rose before the Gala

Dinner Gala was . . . 

. . .  like a cruise ship buffet

Plenty of dancing and music to the end of the night!