Monday, June 25, 2018

Can't beat the view from our apartment!

Met some wonderful people along the way . . .

While we are surrounded by beautiful scenery everywhere we go, we also have some wonderful opportunities to meet people who are even more of a light in our lives.  We help the missionaries teach people wanting to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ; we help fix up their apartments; we have activities with young members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and with the missionaries as well.  We serve in the Trondheim Ward with the wonderful members of the Church. 

Here are just a few of the many folk . . .

The King Family, from Seattle know our daughter Mackenzie and
 stopped over for the weekend with us and were our inaugural visitors.

Getting to the hard-to-reach places
 to fix the missionary's bed . . .

Yep, that's my companion!

A humble apartment, and an even more humble Elder Garlick.

Every Saturday the missionaries invite others to join in Sport - Soccer or Volleyball.

A member of our ward, Kjell Paulsen, playing trombone on a boat in the harbor with his jazz band.

Missionaries and members.

This was the first time he had the opportunity to baptize.

He was excited to show how it would happen.

Elder Garlick learned a new skill on his mission  . . . he just needs to finish the sleeves.

Elder Cribbs uses brute strength to "toss" the ball more than
41 km/hr (26 m/h), which would get him a speeding ticket in a school zone!

Elder Naylor, Elder Cribbs, Sister Naylor (strong!), Elder Rogers, Elder Snapp, Elder Garlick, Sister Wheelwright, Sister Belus, and Sister Madsen on a preparation day outing.

Just relaxing while we inspect the apartment.
Watched over by a Storm Trooper.

We were treated to authentic Afghan food.

Zone Conference in Oslo June 5

We got to ride the train to Oslo for the final zone conference with President and Sister Hill. It was a great opportunity to meet many of the missionaries and feel of their spirit. The train ride was gorgeous and, as you may know, Lorrie loves trains of all types.

Senior Couples in action: Jensens, Naylors, Bergquists, Cooks

We then flew back to Trondheim from Oslo.  What beautiful scenes from the air.  Those farm houses are well-painted and cared for.

We were not yet done.  From the Trondheim airport, we took a train to Trondheim, and went through Hell.  (Hell, Norway, that is.)

Then, once we arrived in Trondheim Sentral Station, 
we walked the 2.5 km to our apartment.  
We stopped on the bridge for a quick selfie.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Visiting members of the Trondheim Ward of the Church.

We visited several members and learned how they have sacrificed and been blessed by their commitment and dedication to Christ and His church.  They are truly wonderful people, who open their hearts and homes to us and have welcomed us so warmly.  We feel already to have found friends we have known so much longer than just a few weeks.
The view from the a new member's home

A foot bridge in Trondheim on the way to visit a member

A lovely cabin

Happy Anniversary to us; Happy Elder Cribbs Day; and Happy District Conference

May 28th marked the 37 year since Lorrie said YES! Instead of fresh flowers, Landon was nice enough to send me a bushel of pictures of Lorrie's Peony garden so she could enjoy seeing how wonderful they are doing in her absence.

May 29th we celebrated Elder Kellen Cribbs' Birthday and had District Conference with visiting President and Sister Hill.  Lorrie and I made a "Bløt Kake" (literally "Wet Cake")which is a Norwegian cake where you cut it in layers, and fill those with fresh strawberries, jam, pudding and then cover the cake in whipping cream and more strawberries.  I made the mistake of turning my phone over to the elders who proceeded to make goofy selfies.  I also had to share the picture of the sisters working together to get a picture of us with Sister Hill's camera.