Saturday, May 19, 2018

Kristiansund Baptism

We were blessed to attend the baptism of a wonderful lady in Kristiansund.  While there, we helped the elders get some needed supplies for their apartment and spent some time with a woman we met in Trondheim who graciously invited us to stay with her and shared with her the message of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon.  She was also kind enough to invite the missionaries to dinner.  We don't post a lot of pictures of the tender moments of spiritual growth through sharing the Gospel, because a lot of times, there aren't things to photograph.  Just know that even the travels we take that show the beautiful country we are lucky to be serving in are en-route to or from the missionary experiences we have everyday.
Rock star power trio Elders Ewell, Fowler and Baldwin.

Power Trio Tracting on an island

A small group of Saints, but very faithful in K-Sund  Some are from far away, but so dedicated to the Savior.

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