Sunday, April 29, 2018

First Sunday in Trondheim

Sunday, 29 April 2018:  The first Sabbath.  Saturday night, the Bishop Paulsen stopped by our apartment to welcome us and help us answer some lighting, stove, heater questions we had about our apartment.  He then warned us that we would bear our testimonies and tell a little about ourselves today in church.  That made Lorrie lose sleep, but she was great.  She felt like she needed notes and was very nervous, but she blew away the congregation with her Norwegian.  The bishop and his wife told us later that they had NEVER had a senior missionary who had not been to Norway on a mission speak Norwegian.  Lorrie is a first.  And the other members all told her how great she did.  I was very (humbly and righteously) proud of all her hard work.  Just think how well she will be able to speak when we come home!!!

1 comment:

  1. Of course she did great!!! You two are so good together! Miss ya!!
