Sunday, April 29, 2018

The apartment where we live for the next 18 months. . .

We are blessed to live in a wonderful two-bedroom apartment that is shared with 3 other apartments in a large house.  We have a balcony that looks out over the fjord that is just  breath-taking.  Lorrie had to move 4,483 miles to get her home with a view . . . but we got it!

First Sunday in Trondheim

Sunday, 29 April 2018:  The first Sabbath.  Saturday night, the Bishop Paulsen stopped by our apartment to welcome us and help us answer some lighting, stove, heater questions we had about our apartment.  He then warned us that we would bear our testimonies and tell a little about ourselves today in church.  That made Lorrie lose sleep, but she was great.  She felt like she needed notes and was very nervous, but she blew away the congregation with her Norwegian.  The bishop and his wife told us later that they had NEVER had a senior missionary who had not been to Norway on a mission speak Norwegian.  Lorrie is a first.  And the other members all told her how great she did.  I was very (humbly and righteously) proud of all her hard work.  Just think how well she will be able to speak when we come home!!!

Trondheim Missionaries WELCOME to US!

These wonderful missionaries welcomed us to the country with an authentic dinner at the meetinghouse.  This beautiful chapel was dedicated in 1959 and has served the members for nearly 60 years. 

It has been a whirlwind several days.  Here are some photos of our long flight to Amsterdam Airport (cool clock man video) and landing in Norway on our KLM leg.  After making it through baggage on our own with 4 large suitcases, 2 roller bags, a purse, backpack and 2 coats, our trusted chauffeurs and helpers met us at the airport:  Four wonderful missionaries and Brother Paulsen from the ward (who drove all our luggage to town).

The first sight of Norway, just outside Trondheim.  SNOW!

Very soon after the snow shot, we saw more welcoming nature . . . and then . . .

. . . we landed in NORWAY!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Last day of YSA Classes in MTC

Our "Companionship Couple" Elder and Sister Teuscher from Roy, UT going to Sixth Crossing, Martin's Cove Mission
They have been like friends we have known forever, but just met this week.  Real loving servants of the Lord.

Our District in the MTC from L-R:  Bates (England YSA),
Recks (CES Kenya), Teacher Michael Larson, and Smoots (Martin's Cove)

Lorrie's Language Coach for the past 8 months, Sarah Pace

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Wonderful people make this a wonderful experience.

Our wonderful Norwegian Language Tutor Sam Bischoff

My Great Language Coach Russell Doria!

Jake's Family
Sent these sweet
thoughts and
yummy sweets.
Tyler Hastings was surprised by our visit to BYU

The Wagner Clan at the Creamery (Lorrie is uncertain of the Selfie)

Great place to study Norwegian.
Our district of wonderful missionaries with Sister Thompson one of our inspired instructors

The MOA, with Love

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

MTC . . .





Enroute to the Missionary Training Center

Thanks, Steve and Janalee for the breakfast and limousine service to the MTC.

Hallmark Hotel Staff and Guests!Safe and on time!


Last days with family before the mission.  Love these great folk!  We will miss being with them physically.