Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Stockholm Sweden Temple

What a wonderful opportunity we had to travel to Sweden to be in the temple with some of our young adults. The peace we feel in the temple is like recharging our batteries to go out into the world again.

When it is Norway week, the Norwegian
Flag flies next to the Swedish Flag.

Kent Brough from Middleton just arrived for a temple mission.
He previously served in Norway a few years ago and encouraged us.
The Petersons now serve in Oslo.  

Just down the road are ancient viking burial grounds
with stone markings.

Megaphone again!

Sisters Hill, Rawson and Bone
Elder Hansen doing a flip

Elders Jaccard and Hansen
Elders Boyd and Anderson

Kristiansund and General Conference

We went to K-Sund to help the missionaries, meet with members, and bring back Elders Hansen and Jaccard.

The wind in the area was about 35 mph, and this is when
the cruise ship lost its engines and had to be evacuated.

Elder Pepe celebrated his birthday with Bannana Cake!

And then a BK treat.

On the ferry boat back to Trondheim

The English Speaking group of General Conference priesthood session.

And the bishop joined us.