Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Trondheim is a great place!!

We enjoy just being in this town and seeing the sights. 

Trondheim Christmas Market

Day Care Daily Excursion.  These kids are always dressed
warm, linked together, and have reflecting vests for safety.

Røros Village Excursion

We took the train for a winter excursion to the village of Røros (about 2 hours by train) in the mountains.  The modern-day inhabitants of Røros still work and live in the characteristic 17th and 18th century buildings. Røros has about 80 wooden houses, most of them standing around courtyards. Many retain their dark pitch-log facades, giving the town a medieval appearance.  At Christmastime they have a wonderful market, but also have glass-making and pottery houses.  

A waffle on a stick!

yes, it was cold!

We weren't alone on this Saturday afternoon!

First Snow

It snowed 6 December and brought the beauty out.  The weather here is much like a Boise winter.  The snow comes, it melts, it rains, it snows.  Although, here all that can happen in a 45 minute span.

And these photos were taken about 10:00 in the morning, just at sunrise!

THESE WERE LATER IN THE DAY . . . . 3:30pm at dusk!

Time to Catch up . . . Wow, we have been busy

It has been almost 2 months since we posted, but we have been doing a lot. Here are some photos to start to get caught up. 

This was the second hike we took to Gråkallen, but this time it was an icy and treacherous path.  Still enjoyed it with these missionaries.

Elder Stephenson (Meridian) and Elder Gonzalez (Mexico)