Friday, November 16, 2018

Stockholm Temple Trip November 2018

The only time we have permission to leave the country (our mission) is if we are accompanying YSAs to the temple in Stockholm. We had three young people go November 9-10, and so we traveled.  Three of us took the night train (both ways), and the other two went by car.  The night train was on Lorrie's bucket list and it was a memorable ride.

We felt so blessed to return to the temple and feel the spirit there.  We met up with Norwegian members from areas I served 40 years ago and renewed those relationships. The Amundsens are now in the temple presidency and the Forsberg family I knew in Fredrikstad were there as three generations.

The train station in Stockholm was beautiful.  On the way home, we had about seven hours in Stockholm until our night train pulled out.  Lorrie spotted a church with lights on and we checked it out.  They were rehearsing for a concert later that night.  We came back and enjoyed Brahms Requiem with full orchestra and choir.  The acoustics in the church were fantastic.

We arrived back in Trondheim Sunday morning in time for a member of the ward to pick us up and take us to church. 

Leaving Trondheim train station at 5:00 pm.  Yes, that is right.

Paul was our fellow traveler.  We took two different trains to Sweden, and then caught the night train in Duved Sweden

The night cars were comfy . . .

Stockholm Central Railroad Subway Station
The Stockholm temple about 7:30 am when we arrived.
When excavating, an ancient viking burial ground was discovered.
Construction was halted while experts collected and cataloged the find.
The temple was allowed to proceed, but could not dig deeper than already. 

These are pictures inside the guest housing on the temple site. 

Elder and Sister Naylor, Bety, Ole, Paul from Trondheim
As we left the temple on Saturday afternoon

Back on the metro to Stockholm

Stockholm Central Station as we began our Seven Hours in Stockholm Adventure

These Sphinx Lions are all over the open air walking street in Stockholm

A Government Building

A festive store window display

The Church Concert

Finally, we are back to the Stockholm Station to head home!

November 2018 Trip to Ålesund and Kristiansund

We love traveling to meet up and help the missionaries in the cities around (translated: about a 7 hour drive to Ålesund).  The scenery along the way can't be beat.  But we really love these missionaries.

Snow has arrived . . . in the mountains

NATO was having one of the largest military exercises ever that lasted
two weeks.  We ran into military from all over the world on ferry boats, airports,
restaurants, cities, and along the road.  They came by boat,
helicopter, plane, tank, armed car and jeep.

The Atlantic Coastal Highway is literally built
over the ocean.  Here is a walkway out over the sea.

This highway has been voted the most scenic, and the best place to test drive fast cars.
I wouldn't know, because my hybrid Hyundai doesn't qualify for that distinction.
But it was still a fun trip to Kristiansund.

Ålesund dinner on public HEATED benches!

Halloween, Spot it and Zone Conference 2018 . . . All Fun Times

The ward had a fun time dressing up with the adopted holiday that Norwegians have taken a liking to in the past decade.

On another night, we played Spot It with missionaries and YSAs, and Lorrie still has to stop once in awhile to have it established that every card REALLY does have a match with every other card.

Finally, we had Zone Conference, which is a great time to see the missionaries from throughout the zone and recharge with a spiritual uplift.

Bishopric Meeting will never be the same.

Spiderwoman and the Doll

They Come . . . October 2018

Welcoming new missionaries to Trondheim is always exciting.  We stop off in Hell to get their passports stamped and take some photos.  It is kind of fun that this train station in Hell still has a working pay phone . . . maybe there is one in the real Hell??  Likely, collect phone calls only.

Sister Kinder welcomes Sister Larson

Elder Carter Shanklin is the second Elder Shanklin in the past three years to serve here.
His brother served before him.

Elder Gonzalez came from Mexico

Everyone attempts this feet of strength
and the photo is assisted by bursts to capture it

Elders Gonzalez & Baldwin . . . companions flying into the future